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Downstream Defender® of Paradise

By April 12, 2024May 3rd, 2024Projects

In Arrowtown (part of the greater Queenstown Lakes region) science is helping to work with nature on another local community subdivision.

As housing demands grow for this mixed-tenure development, Hynds was asked to help with the stormwater management for this development.

This new development is at the lower end of town and was also collecting some general town road run-off. All stormwater runoff needs to be treated and managed to protect the naturally pristine Arrow River below. Meeting with local councils’ strict discharge requirements of approximately 680 Litres/second, the Downstream Defender® was a natural choice.

The Downstream Defender unit was selected for it’s high volume of stormwater capacity, speed of installation as part of Hynds ‘Plug and Play’ range, and ease of any ongoing maintenance.

With our forward-thinking supplier, Hydro International, Hynds provided a Downstream Defender®, a model offering additional advantages but still giving consistent results for stormwater treatment. See our web site for more information:

The massive 3-metre diameter unit was installed in a matter of hours and once hooked up, it is ready and fully functional straight away. The team at SouthRoads Ltd managed to break ground for this 68-lot development late 2022, and finished up June 2023.

Hynds Pipes Systems can offer assistance for your sub-divisional work all the way through to simple backyard sumps. Being sustainably focused, we are proud to be able to offer our concrete in a low carbon range – HyndsLC®

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Downstream Defender®
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